Putting On the GSnap / GSnap Golf Training Aid George Gankas Golf 2:05 2 years ago 23 829 Далее Скачать
What is the GSnap Trailhand? / Golf Training Aid by George Gankas George Gankas Golf 0:29 2 years ago 11 718 Далее Скачать
When to Snap Pt 1 / GSnap Trail Hand Golf Drill George Gankas Golf 8:32 2 years ago 32 936 Далее Скачать
Learn to compress the ball using the GSnap The Science of Better Golf 1:17 2 years ago 1 264 Далее Скачать
GSnap THX N' Shallower Pt 1 / Combo Golf Drill George Gankas Golf 3:13 2 years ago 2 475 Далее Скачать
Trail and Lead Together / Combo GSnap THX & GSnap Golf Drill George Gankas Golf 1:19 2 years ago 2 487 Далее Скачать
When to Snap Pt 2 | GSnap Trail Hand Golf Drill George Gankas Golf 3:40 2 years ago 11 497 Далее Скачать
What is the G Snap! / Golf Training Aid by George Gankas George Gankas Golf 0:30 2 years ago 22 275 Далее Скачать
Using the GSnap THX Long / GSnap Trail Hand Golf Drill George Gankas Golf 3:01 2 years ago 3 577 Далее Скачать
G Slot Training // Working together with the GSnap George Gankas Golf 1:26 1 year ago 3 082 Далее Скачать
Leading Edge Back Line / GSnap Trail Hand Golf Drill George Gankas Golf 4:11 2 years ago 3 394 Далее Скачать